Monday, February 25, 2013

Be Strong, Have Faith, and Feel Love

We feel so much pain. In one day, we can feel so sore by multiple things and it doesn't seem fair. No matter where you go or what you do you will feel hurt in some way. I wish I was able to tell everyone why our hearts feel so empty when we hurt, but I have no answers. I wish I was able to tell everyone that there is a permanent cure to pain, but I cannot. We must walk through our days feeling so sensitive to everything we come upon. I think I have come to that point where I want to gently lift my heart out from behind my ribs and  bring it to someone who could fix it. I'd hold my heart out with weak arms, pleading.

There is no doctor or specialist that could swoop me up in their arms to take my tired body to a place where I could get better. There is no pure medication to relieve the pain that one feels. I find myself trying to relieve my pain by lying in bed, crying and not wanting to do anything anymore. Maybe, just maybe, if I was able to not do anything, then I would feel happy. I know we all think that if we did not have to try anymore, then life would be easier, but when you are loosing yourself, it just makes it harder to come back up to the surface.

Sometimes, the water comes rushing in so fast that you cannot get away from it or it floods your life gradually. Who do we lift our arms to when we are sinking? Who can we throw ourselves upon to be carried away with our faces nuzzled into their necks? I just want to hear my savior's feet slosh through the water that has soaked my life; I just want to feel my savior's hands holding me tight and tighter when I cry. We are all looking for a savior when we feel like we cannot make it anymore -- someone who can swoop us up in their arms and carry us away to a safe place where the land is dry and the sky is bright.

A knight, Prince Charming, a doctor, a lifeguard, a rescue team, policemen, firefighters, and the army cannot save us from this pain we feel everyday. We can wait on our knees, our heads bowed, our feet numb, while we listen for our rescuer running to us. As you sit there what do you hear? Silence.

"Who is going to be there for me?"
"No one cares enough to save me."
"I'm alone."

Even in our silence, our minds are loud enough to wake the world. We could create earthquakes with our anger and sadness, destroying the world that seems like it was only created for chaos. We are standing among the bodies of wounded memories that never seem to fade away. It seems like we are always falling back onto our knees, falling in the middle of everything that hurts us.

Listen to the silence around you.
Can you hear a whisper in the wind?
There is something in your heart.
Can you feel it moving inside of you?
Look at the destruction in your life.
Can you see there is a way out for you?

As the water in your life comes under your nose, someone will take you away from it all. It may not be a knight or a policeman, but you have still been saved. Who has done this? Who has went out of their way to care for you and save you? Who has made you feel less alone? As you have your hands laced around your savior's neck, he kisses you upon the forehead.

"I am here for you my child. I will not let you drown. I will not let you be alone."

Your pain seems to ease without medication. You did not hold your heart in your hands and beg for help. You do not have to feel pain now. You do not have to beg for a rescue. You have been saved since day one.

We are never alone because the Lord lives in all of us. The Lord can see our hearts behind our ribs and he can feel our pain. He is with us when are falling onto our knees, dripping tears onto the dust. Even when we do not recognize that He is with us, He will always be there. There may be no medicine to swallow, but there is The Word of God that can calm our minds and release the pressure on our hearts. God gave us His son and His word so we will always have a way to breech the surface of our chaotic lives. We have been given the gift to see and feel pain, and if we did not, then we would not be able to find a savior. God has planned your pain and has planned your rescue. He never gives you more than you can handle, never giving you an ocean too deep to swim. With the Lord you will always be His and He will never forsake you.

You are the child of a great father and you are loved.
You will always be strong enough to find the light.
Open your eyes.
He is here.
You do not have to hurt anymore for He is here.

If I have spoke to you through this blog, then I would like to invite you to check out these websites to learn more about the one who made you and the one that cared enough to save you.

Be strong, have faith, and feel love.
