Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Beginning

Buon giorno!

Welcome to your first look into how to survive your first year of college! I know you may be a little skeptical because I have only been in college for a little less than two weeks now, but I know enough to start off a typical (or in this case, not so typical) "How-To" blog. Like you, I have been figuring out how to get from point A to point B over the past year. I took the soul-sucking ACT test, got a 20 on it and stuck with it. I could have took it again, but it took my soul with it as I transferred my graphite into its' bubbles. I planned to go to Aurora University because it was small, far enough to be away from home, but still close enough, and they had a fair amount of majors to pick from for someone who was undecided like me. Then, I suddenly changed my mind in March of this year to go to Northern Illinois University, a medium-sized campus right-smack-dab in the middle of my hometown, Dekalb, Illinois.

Before I go on, I want to add a tid-bit of advice. If you live in a town that has a college nearby, then I suggest you go to that one (unless you are dedicated to your number one choice school) because it may be cheaper and you can always commute. Also, do not do what I did which was convince yourself.  I convinced myself to NOT go to NIU because I have lived here for so long --  I wanted to go on an adventure that will bring my life away from the vast fields of corn. But, when you can't afford a little over $30,000 dollars to go to a private school, a cheaper and closer option starts to sound heavenly. So, I filled out an application and here I am, sitting in my very hot dorm room typing away in this blog to give insight to those who need some. I am dedicated to helping people feel better in every way possible. So, dwell on these tips (or quirks) as much as you please and I swear you will find yourself in a less-stressed position. I get stressed very easily, but I find that by taking my stress and turning it into something hilarious can be quite rewarding.

So, to all of you newcomers or active-students out there, I wish you the best. Take the time to look over what I have to say and hopefully you will be able to find yourself in a happier world rather than one that seems to hate your life.

Good luck with all of your endeavors!

-Tiffany G. Carwile

Proceed to next post to see advice on my FIRST QUIRK! <3

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