Monday, March 4, 2013

Libraries are Interesting

Do you guys want to know something?
The library is an interesting place.

Yes, they have books and those can be interesting, but that is definitely not what I'm going at. Once you walk into a library, you are in the presence of people. Yeah, just ordinary people who like to walk around shelves and shelves of books, minding their own business, entertaining their tired selves. Are these people really ordinary though? Look closer -- close enough so that you can see the loose thread wrapped around the button of their shirt. Do you see what I'm talking about now? Do you see how they are not ordinary???

I guess you could look at the other people besides the workers, but we all know why the other people are there: they are looking for books. That's not interesting, but what is interesting are the workers! Sometimes, I have to wonder their motive for wanting to be surrounded by books for the rest of their lives. I mean, heck, that's not really a bad dream to have because you would always have something to look at no matter what. The workers are always so peppy and ready to take you on a journey into the neverland of literature. AWAY! COME! JOIN ME ON THIS JOURNEY! HEREEEEE WEEEE GOO! And all of a sudden, your personal librarian-friend turns into Peter Pan with the whole green, elf-adventurer outfit on and they even start sprouting red hair from their librarian heads. It would be a bit startling, but who cares!? It's Peter Pan!

Alright. Back to reality for a moment. The workers. I know they are not all the same because you can't look at one worker and say, "Oh, she has white hair, wears long, thick skirts, and knows the dictionary by heart. Every librarian must be JUST LIKE HER!" Come on. Really? You can't do that. I'm not going to sit here and categorize them either because why would I do that? There is a great variety of people that work at libraries and I just so happen to be sitting in my school's library at the moment, watching the people who work here. There are only 2 that I want to point out because I find them very interesting.

So, to my right (about 2 o'clock) is a friendly looking man working at the reference desk. I've seen him help other students find books for whatever reason and he just loves it. He probably couldn't find more joy in anything else besides helping others. What a man. Right now he is typing something on Word very slowly and, of course, I can't read it from here, but I can see the 4 lines he has typed out already. It's so cute because he types like a seven-year old. Obviously the man is not seven though. I don't even know how old he is, but I would say he is about late 60's or early 70's. Charming old man, yes. He's got a well-groomed, wavy ring of hair around his shiny, little cranium and typical, old-age glasses that we humans usually wear when everything starts looking fuzzier than normal. With his attire, he is also wearing a crisp, white button-up shirt (CLASSY, MY MAN) and that's all I can see since his legs are hidden by the tan desk. One last thing I want to point out that is very interesting is the fact that his desk is so neat and tidy. If you stare at the surface of his desk for too long, then your eyes will be burned by the shine. I don't know what he uses, but I did see a bottle of antibacterial hand sanitizer and tissues. So, if that's what he is using, then I should start doing that to my desk at school. How clean and sanitary!

The next worker I would like to talk about is another friendly lady behind the circulation desk. Actually, I have no idea if that is where she is supposed to be, but I guess those librarians work every corner of the fortress. I think this is the first time that I've noticed this woman. I can hear her hearty laugh and it's quite comforting. She's talking to this other woman and she is very enthusiastic. I'm afraid those papers in her hand will slip and fly all over the place if she keeps flinging her hands around. Oh, now she's pretending she is talking on the phone with her hand. See what I mean? These people are interesting. I'm not judging these people either. I just like observing -- people watching. I do like her sweater, however. It's a great shade of green and they accent her glasses perfectly. She reminds me of a silly aunt Peggy or something. Which is a good thing because silly aunts are always the life of the party.

Okay, I know I went into a lot of detail about these two strangers, but can you really call "people watching" a crime? I may look extremely weird looking back and forth at these two people, but this is what writers do. Writers just stare at other people because it's the most interesting thing to do. If writers did not observe their surroundings, then their writing wouldn't be very good. You know, not very detailed and kind of vague. HOWEVER, if you do choose to NOT look at people, then that's alright! I'm sure that writing would be very unique. Seriously :)

So, you should all go to the library more often. You could check out books if you really want to, but watching the people that are there makes the whole trip worth something more. I would advise you all not to permanently fix your gaze upon whoever you are observing because that's...not...the best idea. I wouldn't want someone constantly looking at me either. Be nonchalant.

Well, I'm off to surrender my self to a 75 minute lecture about Classical Mythology taught by a 75 inch lady. Just kidding. She isn't that short, but she's not tall..

Happy Monday!


*Pictures are from! I do not own them or have any right to them whatsoever!*


  1. You know when you work in a library and you get to know those people personally it makes them even more interesting.
    Also when I am at work, especially in the shelves I like to pretend that I am a stealth spy. Also You can spy on that really hot guy who is one of your classes and they will never know because they are busy doing there thing.
    Can you guess who I am?!?!?!?!?!
