Sunday, September 2, 2012

Don't 'Ya Like Me?

Hey guys.

I just wanted to throw something out into the open. No. Not a steak or a piece of candy. I am throwing out the sad, sad fact that no one ever comments on my posts. I feel like Julia in the movie Julie and Julia. When she first starts her blog, the only comment she gets is from her own mother. What is even more depressing is that MY own mother has not even commented on any of these yet. I get so excited and then I see the number zero in the comments bar. I know you are reading these! I can see my stats!

I really don't care if you never leave a comment. I can live without it. As long as people are reading my posts, then I am  as dandy as a daffodil.

Speaking of daffodils -- here is a wonderful picture of a daffodil. I didn't take it.

Isn't it lovely? So are you, my dear readers. 

Well, I really have nothing more to say here that is witty. I will let you all be free to enjoy your web-surfing.


P.S. If you ever want advice on ANY subject, then let me know! Or if you want me to make a random blog post about something, then let me know too! I am willing to accept recommendations! 

1 comment:

  1. I was just watching this movie today!!! but this blog is amazing!!!
