Sunday, September 2, 2012

Quirk Number Three

#3: Feeling unproductive with <10 open boxes and half a roll of packing tape.
Finish day before move-in? Probably.  

Picture this: You are surrounded by brown boxes. Boxes are on your bed, next to your bed on the floor, blocking your closet and bedroom door. All of your belongings are in piles because you think you have yourself organized. Then, you look in a couple of boxes and you notice something -- you only have a couple boxes filled out of the twenty you have accumulated over the past week. In an act of desperation, you throw yourself onto your bed and nap. Those cardboard fumes can be intoxicating after a while.

Ask yourself something for me. Would you rather lay on your bed and not pack anything at all? Or would you rather find a better way to stay completely motivated? Think about it. The answer is simple -- start doing something that will help you pack faster and more efficiently. You know you want to get it over with. And let me tell you, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. For some, this method works just fine. But if you are the kind of person that gets irritated by unfinished work, then this tip will benefit you the most. The less stress you have, the more motivated you will be to get ready for college!

In my first quirk, I gave some tips on how to pack. This quirk is very similar (I am sorry for that. I didn't really think it through), but I will give you some ideas on how to stay motivated!

*Listen to music that will help you stay energetic and positive!
*Drink some water. Your brain is made up of mostly fluids and when your brain is refueled, you will be too.
*Pack the small things first. Doing this will make it seem like you have less to pack because everyone has a ton of small things!
(If you don't, then good for you).
*Look at your list. Are you packing too much or too little? Figuring out what you have done so far will help you build a stepping stone.
*If you feel you have too many items, then leave some at home if you don't really need it. You can always get it later whenever you return home for the holidays.
*Just tell yourself that you are doing a good job. Once you start, you will be able to finish.

Don't worry. Packing is only the beginning (and I am not saying this to scare you). Being in college means that you are now an adult. You are responsible for the actions you produce and the results that come after. If you decide that packing isn't a big deal and do it the day before, then what are the consequences? You may forget something important, stay up too late the night before move-in day, or you may not even finish packing. To cause less stress, I suggest that you reread over my tips and figure out what works for you. I am not here to tell you to pack now and not later. I am just giving you true facts that you should consider. Once you start taping shut box after box, you will feel a lot better because you have overcome your procrastination. Remember, you can't procrastinate in college. You will have hefty loads of assignments to complete over a course of a couple days. If you leave it for the last minute, then it will cause long-term affects such as you being misinformed, uninformed, and stressed. Tiffany doesn't want anyone to be stressed! Just finish!

Have a good Memorial Day!

-Tiffany G. Carwile

Here is a sneak-peek into the next quirk:
Obsessing over the space given to you in your dorm? No worries! Tiffany has a solution!

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