Tuesday, September 11, 2012

She's Alive!

Have you ever been so tired that you were just so...tired? Me too.

Seriously everyone, I have been up to my neck in notebooks and text over the past few weeks, so I know I have no room to make excuses for my lack of writing. (I do have to say though, writing right now feels pretty great). When you are in college, you have no life unless you go out every night or you keep your dorm door open 24/7. I would definitely keep my door open all the time, but this girl likes a little peace and quiet. Well, as much peace and quiet as I can get. I'm really glad I am not in the hall my cousin is in because she has encountered a few escapades from behind cement walls. That's right. Sex doesn't go unnoticed in this neck of the woods.

I guess I will just give you all the "up-to-date-status" on what is going on here besides homework (obviously). College is treating me well. A little too well. My mom AND dad both dropped off groceries for me the past week and now I am cramming my face with pudding and granola bars. It is all right with me, though, because that whole "Freshman 15" thing will never apply to me! I feel my legs burning after walking to every class. This whole walking situation is doing me (and my badonk) a favor. If you engorge yourself with pizza, burgers, and other greasy and fat-filled American specialties, then I suggest that you hit the gym about 5 times a week or that fifteen will become a fifty. No doubt. Hit up the salad bar! Have some yummy chicken! Have a dessert! Just don't over do it, all right, kiddies?

I have found some other ways to enjoy myself around here. Get your mind out of the gutter. I am talking about some new hobbies! You are probably thinking, "Tiffany has new hobbies?? What?? I thought she just wrote and read books all the time because she is dorkwad." Forget you guys. Just kidding. No, I have acquired a couple new interests. The first one is VERY recent. Recent as in about seven hours ago recent. I went to the craft store and bought myself a pair of shiny, yellow...KNITTING NEEDLES. As well as yarn to knit with (it is such a beautiful shade of maroon. You would love it). I tried a stitch today. Unfortunately, the WikiHow steps were not much of a help. All I ended up with was a tangled mess. I am pretty sure I had WAY too many strings going on. On the bright side, I turned my yarn roll into two big yarn balls. I am not an old woman. Stop thinking that. I don't think the elderly could handle balls as big as these. You got owned.

The second new thing I am going to try very soon is SKATEBOARDING! That's right! I knit AND I skateboard! Actually, I haven't really skated much before, so this will take a bit of practice and a few bruises, but I am sure afterward, I will be the coolest chick around. I have seen a ton of students with skateboards and it looks so darn fun. It would be better to use than to walk to class. Those skateboards are like lightening! At least if I struggle, I can always ask someone to help me. From a group of 10 people,about 9 out of 10 ride around here. I have connections.

So, I will leave it at that. I just wanted to let all of you know that I didn't forget about you guys. I will try and get back to this schedule again once I find the right time to write. Sound good to all of you? Great. Now, I must go. I have ramen waiting for me in the microwave.


-Tiffany GC.

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