Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quirk Number Four

#4: Obsessing over your dorm closet door...or in this case, the lack there of.

How does your closet look at home? Closed? Open? Bulging with items galore? Or do you have slim pickings? Well, either way, you probably hate looking at all of the clutter that has accumulated inside of the space. A closet door is nice to have because it makes you seem like you are a tidy person when the door is closed. When it isn't closed, then you either don't care about what it looks like or you were too lazy to shut it. What happens when you don't have YOUR closet anymore? No, not your parent's closet or your friend's closet that you use like it was your own. I am talking about YOUR personal closet that you basically carved your name into on the door frame. If you don't have your closet anymore, then what do you have?

Before I moved into my residence hall, I heard the closets had no doors. This pissed me off. I was 
legit furious to the point where smoke could come out of my ears and nose. I made this quirk on Facebook to show how stupid the whole ordeal was. What was I going to do with all of my clothes that I am bringing? I don't want it just sitting out in the open for everyone to see. What was I going to do without an effing door?

Well, I could say I exaggerated my feelings there a little because the whole closet situation actually turned out to be a minor problem. All of my clothes fit in my closet. It doesn't even look bad with all of my belongings sticking out like a sore thumb. Actually, the colors I have in my side of the closet make the room look more home-y than before. You really need all the help you can get here. These off-white cement walls are sore on the eyes after a while. 

So, you want to know about the door? I will tell you. There is a door -- a sliding door actually. I really like it except for the fact that I think it's broken and that I have too much stuff protruding out that the sliding door won't cover it all. It's like a bamboo shade. Sort of. The only problem with that fact is that it probably isn't even made out of real wood: it's probably wood substitute. It's the artificial flavor of wood. Yeah, college can be pretty cheap (I mean, those teachers gotta get bank somehow). 

Here are a couple words of advice to make your temporary closet seem like "home:"
  • Put your hamper in your closet so more crap doesn't muster.
  • Put a bin in your closet to store any other crap or snacks you have.
  • Make every inch of space count. Use the shelves, bring shelves, bring an over-the-door organizer. NOTE: If you are short and the shelves are high, then you will need to either buy a step stool or go work out so you can jump high enough to reach it.
  • If the closet has a door, then make sure you don't have stuff blocking it so you can close the door if you don't want to stare at everything.
  • If you can't close your door, then just suck it up and learn to love your crap. It's yours -- your unique crap. Make yourself proud!
Don't make it such a big deal. You will find space and you will be able to shut a door. If not, then make a door. Be creative. You will be living on campus for a while, so make the most out of your time. A closet is a closet, but make it YOURS. Yeah, I'm a 'lil cheesy 

Have a good night!

-Tiffany G.

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