Monday, October 22, 2012

Here We Go Again

I get on the topic of money a lot, but it is a big deal. I wrote a pretty hefty post, but I downsized it to only one paragraph because I felt that I wasn't being very accountable. I didn't want anyone to misinterpret what I was saying from my misuse of information. However, here is a snippet to get you going. Hopefully one day money won't be such a craze, but who am I kidding? That's never going to change.

I think financial problem solving is a way to organize money (of course. Obviously), but it really is a big mess full of chaos. There are pros and cons to all of this, but I find that since everything revolves around money, then that just increases the likelihood of problems. Let's use food for an example: Lucy is very hungry. She has not had anything to eat at all today because she accidentally slept in from staying up all night to study for an exam. She misses breakfast and lunch. Knowing that she could have brought a little snack, she becomes helpless because she does not have enough money to buy something and her snack stash is running low. Lucy decides that food won't be an option today until she gets more money somehow. Lucy doesn't do well on her exam. See, this is the problem. Our lives are controlled by many different forces and we are stuck being helpless. This vaunerability welcomes judgments and assumptions that do not even make sense all because we are not living up to certain standards. If you are poor, then you ultimately suck at life. End of story.

Everyone deserves a better lifestyle. Systems need to improve. Okay, so maybe things can change, but it will take a while. When things turn complex, it's hard to accept the simple things. We all just need to adapt the simple strategies and incorporate them into the ones we already have to dilute them a little. SIGH. If only things were different, right? As long as you find a source of happiness, then no matter what happens, you will be all right. I guess we can keep crossing our fingers for adjustments.

Peace and love,

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