Friday, October 5, 2012


I have to admit, I haven't been the best writer lately because I never keep up to date with my posts. Blogging frequently is supposed to be my goal, but it gets overshadowed. A lot. I am really trying -- all right. You caught me. I may not have been trying, but I should get back on that horse, ey?

Today, some things came up (out of my doing) and I just wanted to let you all know before I write any further is that this post will not be long. It is a sad, sad day when the writer cannot continue. There are some things that this little miss has to look past before bringing forth any new ideas. I don't want to twist your brains as I sit here and loathe.

On the bright side, the trees look pretty and I drew a wonderful picture on my computer. I think I may start my own little illustration album. I really follow in SHELS' footsteps (Shel Silverstein).  So, I'll let you guys end with that.

Happy Autumn! <3


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