Friday, October 19, 2012

Say it to My Face!

I wrote this earlier today as a Facebook status (funny how everything starts with Facebook) and I thought it shouldn't be restricted to only my FB friends. So, for my viewers (the few that I have), here is something to think about while you go on with your day and weekend:

"So, here's a thought of the day:
Who here has read or reads Seventeen magazine? A lot of people, I'm sure. We all appreciate their recognition of all sizes and shapes, colors, and articles about being LGBT, right? Their beauty standards though? Ridiculous. They are just like the rest of the media, proposing the idea that everyone (no matter what weight, color, or sexual orientation you are) can be

 pretty if you buy the products we advertise! Just. No. Hello. Here's a bug on my brain -- why not tell younger women that they are beautiful just the way they are? Take this for example, I have acne and acne scars (as well as a lot of other people), but does Seventeen magazine have spreads on accepting your biological face? No. All I see is a projection of mass advertisement on "becoming better." "You can have smoother and clearer skin if you use this product!" "Do you have oily, dry, acne-prone, or combination skin? Well, that's okay because we have something to make you look normal!"
Okay, Seventeen, we will change our appearance when we have a gun to our heads, but seriously. They need to let everyone know that having the faces they have and everything else is okay. Because, let's be honest, does anyone really like being subconsciously called ugly? This is why I don't like TV anymore or want to work for this magazine if I become an editor: their messages are just no good."

No matter what, I will still look at Seventeen magazine, but I won't fully delve into everything they say and show me. I love my face and I don't care if I am supposed to have great skin. In reality, this is hard! Not everyone can have the ideal face. I have come to accept that Mother Nature and Aunt Flo don't give the best presents, but I will show them off with pride because they love me the way I am! Zits don't kill anybody, so what's the big deal? Are they gross? Contagious? Full of demonic powers that can possess the person standing next to you at the crosswalk? Has it really come to despising acne so much that they make chemicals in cute little bottles to get rid of them? Actually, the cleansers are not fully effective because if they were, then who would get the profit? Not the companies.

Some cleansers do control the acne and I know that zits can actually hurt a lot if they are on a bone or if they are swelled to the core with puss and dirt. My rule of thumb is if they are hurting you or damaging your face, then look into a Dermatologist because they will give you medical treatments that will work and not ones that you can find at Big Lots on clearance that is probably expired. Love your acne, your acne scars, your blackheads, and your oils. This defines you as a human because it shows that your body is working properly. Skin can get better naturally with exercise and fluids, but zits are just a way to keep more dirt from entering your pores. And with that, I guess you can thank your blemishes.

I hope you all enjoyed this post as much as I did and I hope you all have a great weekend!

With all of her heart,

Tiffany G. Carwile

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