Sunday, December 23, 2012

You are Never Alone

The holidays make you think about depressing things sometimes, but I actually enjoy that(yes, it sounds odd, but I will explain.) A lot of people have someone missing in their lives and that hole pangs in their heart every year. The ones we care about can suddenly fall right through our fingers, leaving the special days to be unnoticed ones. Although a piece of the puzzle may be missing, it doesn't mean that it is gone forever -- it still exists somewhere and we can rest peacefully knowing it isn't gone entirely. Take this holiday season to remember those who have gone because they will always exist somewhere inside of you.

Now, sorry for that horribly depressing beginning, but I just thought I would start out with that to go along with the rest of my post. I haven't lost many, but I know people who have. During these times, we need to be reassured. Comfort eases. There are still some things that do not comfort my mind, but I get past it. This poem I wrote below this paragraph talks about how I dream about the missing person in my life (well, this person was never in it, but I dream of him anyway.) Yeah, girls dreaming about boys -- it's predictable. Some women dream about having a guy around for the holidays, but I don't need the guy just because kissing is nice and we would make cute Christmas cards together. No, it's more than that. Relationships are also friendships and sometimes, it would be just heavenly to have someone to talk to especially on special days.

So, this poem is mostly about the last part up above. I'll let you guys in on my thoughts:

Many dream of flying
or swimming in a pool of shimmering coins.
I could sit under a tree
and dream of such things
until my eyes close under humidity.
the dreams in my mind
are closer to reality.
I'd love to fly
and feel cool copper on my skin,
but I'd rather be dancin' under swinging
Lights while holdin' your hand.
We would be nervous under
the bare branches,
but our shy laughter
would shake the snow above us,
and we could talk about the snowflakes
that bounce between our eyelashes.

I can be a little cheesy sometimes. You know, dancing under lights in a forest seems very Disney-like, but I do wish for these things. For one: I love the forest, lights, and dancing, so it means more than a fairy tale inside of the DVD player. There are many things we always want, but we know we can never really get. I want to fly and swim in piles of money, but am I going to get that? Probably not. Fantasies and fame -- it sounds pretty great, but once you get beneath that, you can find what it is you really need. For me, I need a friend. Oh, I know, I have a lot of good friends. However, there are times when you just want to talk to a guy about everything and anything and I miss that. A lot.

There is something about the way men think that keep conversations flowing in a different direction, but most of the time they are cut short because they always think women are trying to flirt with them or something ridiculous like that. Really, EVERYTHING DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND DATING. We think about dating, but all we want is a friend and someone to talk to for a long time. We, humans, were specifically designed to communicate! So, why can't we?? This whole sticky situation just bites you in the butt. When you are lonely, you want to talk to someone. If I find someone online that I want to talk to, then I'll talk to them. It is never a good feeling to feel that you are bugging that person. Then, you start thinking that they might think you are in love with them when all you want to do is talk.

I do like someone, but right now, I want to talk to them. That's it. Talking, you know? That thing we do to feel comforted and all of the above? Talking doesn't mean dating. It could mean it later, but that's not the goal here. Some say they need to date and I say go right ahead, but you will be missing out on a lot if that is all you do. When you actually have the time to think about this stuff, this is what comes out. We don't have to follow the "dating river" because there are so many other paths to take if we just get off of it.

So, why not jump off the little raft and explore? Figure out what is REALLY important to you. Rivers can be unpredictable because we cannot control the river, but if we get off of it, then we have control. Would you rather be forced to date because that is what everyone else does or would you rather follow your heart and mind to find what is best for you when the time comes? It's just a thought.

I know that creating your own norm can be difficult -- you start feeling lonely and empty inside. These feelings can be horrible during the holidays, but you need to remember that the feeling of comfort is existing somewhere. Don't feel alone this holiday season because in reality you are never alone.



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