Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I hope you all take the time to celebrate what you have (no matter how small) with family and friends. Christmas isn't about who has the most presents or money -- it's about sharing moments together and love. I hope everyone stays safe today! Enjoy!

Before I stop typing, I wanted to share a few items that I got that mean a lot to me!

  1. A laptop cooling fan! Maybe I can save my computer from burning out on me and catching my room on fire from the explosion!
  2. An Italy calendar. I love Italy. So much. It makes me want to go there even more and visit Venice and Florence!
  3. A box of art supplies from my mommy. I want to be a children's book author when I'm older (hopefully) and this box means the world to me. My mom cares so much for my future, making me feel more confident with my choices :)
  4. A raggedy anne doll ornament for my collection of mismatched decorations. My dad and his fiance picked it out for me. That doll played a couple roles in my life. This ornament, to me, means memories. 
What did you all get?! Not that anyone will tell me, but think about your gifts with love and not with greed! 

Again, happy holidays!


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