Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rethinking Us

I don't know how else to say this, but I love people. I believe that we are all on this planet to share our lives with others and to grow from one another. Why else would there be about 6 billion people on our planet? There is no way to ignore others because they are everywhere we turn either on land, water, or over the Internet/media sources.We cannot throw other people away and  avoid other people because we do not like them. We are here to stay until the end of time whether we like it or not.

We can all be honest and say that we are not too fond of some people, but listen to yourself. Those people are just like you. So what if they think, dress, behave, and talk differently? So what if they are not the same pigmentation as you are or do not have the same hair texture/color as you? These things are out of our control and they are things we have to learn to accept because, in the end, we are all the same. Appreciate others for who they are even if they do not value the same things as you. We all want to be treated fairly -- who would want to be treated like they didn't matter?

Listen to your heart beat for a moment, feel your blood rush through your body like a busy highway, feel your breath fill and empty your lungs. Everyone is able to come to this moment where they feel so alive, appreciating their body for the work it has done to keep them this way. No matter who we are, we are all alive with functioning bodies and even those bodies who function less than ours are still functioning. Why should we hate these people who are alive? What makes us despise each other's function?

Loving each other will never happen over night, but it is something that everyone can think about as they lay their heads on their pillows, pretending to sleep. If you are alive with questions, then, please, ask yourself these questions I mentioned. If one so loved the world, then why hate everything in it? Hate is something we feel -- a feeling deep inside of us. The world and the people in it would be a place without hate if others did not pull their hate out of their mouths from the dark abyss of their souls.

Remember who you are, who they are, and who we are.

We will always be we and us will always be us -- not me, you, him, her, they, or them. Just us.

Feel your heart and feel your breath. Remember, we all feel the same thing for we are alive. Always.

Love because we all do and rethink hate because we all have it.

Be alive.


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