Friday, January 18, 2013

Scomparsa a Roma

My heart burns and my feet tingle with the urge to travel. All I want to do is see what I have never seen before, so that I may fall in love with my ambitions and dreams. I'm already in love with places I have never scraped a foot against; never touched with my curious hands; and never seen so closely. Why do some of us have the urge to leave where we are? Is it the fact that we are connected to the whole world or that we are tired of sameness? Maybe, to me, it is both and to everyone else who feels the same. This planet holds such a throng of people with such diversity. All in all, we are all still human, but with variety at the same time. I've never experienced this variety in Europe before and I wish that I could. Europe is pieced together like a puzzle and yet, everyone seems to be content with that. We are all so connected with every place on this planet. For some reason, I'm so connected with Italy.

I do not know when I began this love for Italy, but I think it may have had something to do with an ex-boyfriend of mine who was half Italian. His family was brilliant and loving -- politely forcing dish after dish of heart melting food that my stomach cried out for in both lust and in warning. I guess that Christmas Eve two years ago changed my passion. The boy was all right, but I will thank him now for letting me experience his wonderful family -- a wonderful life that I soon came to dream about.

With every picture I see, Italian word that I say, and every noodle that I eat makes me cave in so deeply. How can a country in the shape of a scraggly boot make someone feel like this? It is simply preposterous! The place is mysterious to me and so exciting. For some reason, my brain becomes overly happy when thinking about Italy. This could be a case for obsession, but I would rather call it an "extreme passion." Traveling or the desire to travel is like any other hobby: it is something you do. I may have too much Italy on the mind, but it is not a crime to be excited about something that you have dreamt about. Hopefully someday I will make it there, but, in the meantime, I will write about it whenever my heart jerks by the thought of it.

Since I watched Letters to Juliet, I decided to write a poem because I've been inspired. This little poem basically sums up what I have said, but in a shorter and more poetic form. Enjoy! (P.S. No copying. This poem is MINE.)

Scomparsa a Roma

If only I could escape, then I would escape to Rome
Where time doesn't exist and the water stays warm.
Rome is where I want to be, to explore, to love.
The dateless world is my passion -- forever and more.
With Rome, I can believe more than once,
Believing in love, believing in passion
Forever and more.

"Scomparsa a Roma" means, "Disappear in Rome." This is what I want to do. I want to get lost in Rome, walk around the Colosseum, remember the history, soak in the Mediterranean sun, and wear cute sandals and Italian summer dresses as I do every single thing I talked about. It's a wonderful dream that keeps me alive when I feel like I have no light anymore. I feel human when I dream of traveling, feeling connected to the world I live upon.

I feel like a hopeless romantic, but you know what? I'm not hopeless because I AM hoping and I am romantic. I will go to the place I love the most when time tells me to. I will eat all of the flavorful pasta and authentic pizza that I can and drink refreshing drinks at little, Italian cafes while I stare at couples about to kiss with a long piece of noodle in both of their mouths. I'll hope because I can and I'll hope because it reminds me of the endless possibilities that I have.

I'm going to Italy someday and I will love it even after I leave.



*Pictures from and*

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