Friday, March 22, 2013

B: Bouncy Workout

What kinds of exercises do you all do?
That's so original  though. People have been pushing and pulling their body weight for such a long time now and it's no wonder why people don't work out as much as they used to. We all need moderation or else our lives will be nothing but a movie that has the same ending no matter how many times it has been watched. This is kind of a problem because exercise is pretty important. Since there seems to be no moderation, people are sitting around watching movies all day.


What if I told you that there is more to life than doing boring moves on the ground as exercise? I was totally shocked when I figured this one out too, but I'm glad I did or else I would be part-human, part couch for the rest of my life. Being a couch-woman would not be pleasant! They don't make couch-plus clothing! So, really listen to me when I say that there is a miracle coming your way. Things are about to get serious here.

Instead of tiring yourself out in plank position, why not go on...


This machine isn't just your ordinary elliptical looking machine. Oh, no. It's much more than that. This machine " better than running or climbing. It's like doing them in mid-air," states. When you get on this machine, you are basically bouncing up and down while you stride as if you are running. I went on this bad boy after I got off of the stationary bike and saw that the machine I wanted to get on was being used. I saw the bright, blue decoration on the Precor machine and I just had to try it. I thought it was going to be as boring as an elliptical  but then I started to bounce up and down. I was having a ball on this thing! When I set the climbing resistance all the way up to its maximum amount of 5, I felt like I was on a trampoline/moonbounce. As I was bouncing, I was running too! All I have to say is this is the most awesome piece of exercise equipment I have ever been on.

Moral of this story: go get your work out on on machines that do the extraordinary. The more bouncy it is the better! Why not have fun while you get fit? You can get in 15 minutes of exercise while you watch the other people struggling to do lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, and crunches. You can laugh at their boring routine while you bounce away (or you can just focus on "Surf's Up" that is playing on the little T.V. in front of you. All is well).

Stay fit and have fun!

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