Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Choosing a Purpose

We are all trying to live: trying to find purpose in life so we can be happy. The world has given us many options to choose from:

Spending a lot of money

Have we been given good options?

These things can give us enjoyment, but it does not last. The guilt, anger, disappointment, or sadness leave us empty and we just keep going back to these options to feel filled again. Over and over, we indulge in emptiness and feel the same way afterward. Are these the only choices we have? Will we ever feel satisfied?

If you are questioning, then take a look at this video.

This world was created to be perfect. In this perfection, we were created to enjoy the creations made by God. However, temptation lurked among us and we fell to its power. The world was destroyed. Today, we live among corruption and temptation still. God says that this world is not our home and this is why. He did not make it perfect for no reason -- He did not intend for us to live in destruction. Heaven is our home because it is not tainted with sin that has destroyed us. Since we cannot get there yet, we must live on this planet until our day comes. How can we feel satisfied when all we have are things that hurt us? God did not want to hurt us, so He gave us Jesus to save us from our sin that causes us to feel guilty, angry, disappointed, or sad. God loves us and he keeps this promise by letting us receive Jesus into our lives. By accepting His son, we can be full, relieved, joyful, and humble. Jesus pulls us out of the never-ending cycle this world puts us in and places us in a free land that is safe.

Even with Jesus in our lives, we will still be tempted. Sin will always be around us, but in 1 Corinthians 10:13 Paul writes,
"13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 
God will not let us be tempted more than we can handle because he does not want us to hurt. He knows that temptation can be strong, but even when we have been captured by it we have been given a way out. In this out, we are given everlasting life and with everlasting life we don't have to feel guilty, angry, disappointed, or sad. God believes that we have the ability to get closer to him through his son and this promise will never be broken. As long as we accept these things, we can find purpose in our lives.

Which would you choose?

Spending a lot of money

Or God?

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