Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Being a college students means that your $30.00 has to go toward other important things such as groceries. This lack of money for other indulgences means that you will have a lack of freedom to do things other people are able to do such as going to the movies, shopping, getting dinner, or getting a haircut. Usually I find a way to get money to make life a little more fun, but I usually never save money to get haircuts and trims. You probably think my hair is past my feet by now, but if you look closely at my profile picture to your left, you will see that my hair is long, but not crazy long. Good thing, right? Wouldn't it be weird if I could wrap myself in my hair? I couldn't handle it either.

She looks peaceful, doesn't she? 
But I would never do this.

Over the years, I have experimented with my hair by trimming off some ends, cutting blunt bangs, and cutting it short. After a while, my hair starts to bug me in some way, the ends look dried out, the length looks long and ugly. So, I get really ambitious. First, I tuck the ends of my hair behind my shoulders to see what it would look like short. Then, the image nags at me day after day and I get ambitious enough to grab a pair of scissors and snip, snip, snip 6 inches of hair off. Over the past couple of months, I thought about having short hair again. I wanted to grow my hair out, but it was taking over my face. Today, I couldn't stop tucking back my hair and imagining myself with it short. So, I went into my mom's bathroom, grabbed her shears, and cut it off. My hair used to be down to my chest and now it's just a tad bit below my shoulders. It feels like a breath of fresh air. Did those 6 inches weigh 10 pounds or something? Seriously. 

My hair before I cut it...                                                           My hair after I cut it....
Such heavy ends!                                                                     Ahh! Light as a feather!

I had to send a picture of my new 'do' to about 4 people just to make sure I didn't look like a child. That's the thing about having short hair sometimes -- it changes your age which can be a good or bad thing.  I always thought that short hair on adults was very sophisticated. Hopefully my cutting job looks as sophisticated as I make it out to be. It's not high class or professional, but it did the job. Yes, one side is a LITTLE shorter than the other and the ends are the traditional "looks-like-you-just-got-a-haircut" style. Come on, give me some slack. It actually looks decent. Plus, it will grow out, people! At least I didn't use a bowl and kitchen scissors to do it or a sword. I'm not as ambitious as Mulan.   

Yeah, not that talented. 
Sometimes, I use these scissors I used in elementary school. They all work the same. 
But a sword? I don't even own one. 

This does seem very enticing to try, but I warn you all before you do. Just make sure you are 100% positive that you want to cut your hair or else you will probably faint at the results. If you can, use real shears and possibly a spray bottle with water. I usually cut my hair dry, but I know that your hair should be damp first. What can I say? I'm ridiculous. It's nothing that a hair tie and bobby pins can't fix though. We're all good. However, if you have the money to get it done professionally, then go do it. If you want to save money and are crazy like me, then there is no shame in cutting your own hair. No one has to know. 

Not one person has to know at all.

No one.

*Pictures from (and the feather one I made myself).*

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