Saturday, September 15, 2012



We bloggers are being discriminated (just look at the comments on the spam Youtube video that your blogs are supposedly being advertised on). It is time to start a REVOLUTION. We all have a unique voice and no one should stop us from letting it be heard because of technology and personal views and opinions!

We all know blogs are out of style, but if you look closer, you will find that blogs are alive and well! Pintrest is linked with thousands of blogs that you can follow. There are reviewers, forums, How-To's, and traveling blogs. They even made a movie based on a blog: Julie and Julia. Everywhere you turn, you will find a blog somewhere. A blog doesn't have to have the word "Blog" in its' URL.

A blog is like a book. If you loathe reading, then don't read the blog! It will save us bloggers from feeling like we suck at writing. If you find a blog to be interesting, then keep reading it. Blogs are here to inform people, to entertain, and it helps the bloggers find a time to make their day better. Who doesn't like writing about the crappy day they had? Some people think it's funny. Blogs benefit the writer and the reader.


I'm not going to stop writing because other people think "blogs are dumb." Some people get noticed for their blogs and once they get to a certain point in their blogging career, they are able to sponsor or advertise for money. That's right. Who can get money for writing? Not you because you obviously believe blogs are a waste of time.

Keep blogs alive. 

-Tiffany G. Carwile

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