Friday, October 19, 2012

Money, You've Got Some Problems.

As I was sitting contently in a lobby of a nice hotel, watching well off people drink their drinkies and eat their nuts, I pulled out my composition notebook and started writing. I was waiting for my cousin and her cousin to get out of an AMWAY meeting. This company lets individuals sell their products to make profit for themselves and for the company. I sat in on the presentation, but the speaker wasn't very funny to me when he tried to be and this whole thing wasn't appealing. My cousin is eighteen, like me, and she goes to community college. Extra money is always good and with AMWAY you can earn up to $50,000 dollars if you get good at it. To me, the money really isn't appealing at all. I don't want that much money. What would you do with all of that money? Only a fraction goes towards bills, so we spend the rest on dumb shit that we think is important to us. This is why I wrote in my notebook that night because I was a little agitated; a little hot and bothered!

Without further adieu, here is my mystery "article" you have all been waiting for...
(I think I will call it, "Money, You've Got Some Problems").

Money, You've Got Some Problems

     If we were made out of money, then I think we wouldn't have any friends or even family. Try and picture yourself randomly appearing on this planet with an epidermis of green paper and copper slices. It seems totally irrational, right? If you were covered in cash, then who would you only care about? Yourself. It would be you and only you (plus the world, a few birds, and some rasberrybushes). You would go insane from the amount of self-control you now have your hands on. There would be no one else to tell you what to do with your money because they would be too preoccupied with scratching the checks out of their ears. So, is money REALLY beneficial?
     We can all agree that money keeps us alive. Money buys our health, fitness, shelter, clothing, education, entertainment, and miscellaneous crapola. People who don't have money are homeless, starving, cold, depressed, and uneducated all because they don't have the "mulah," "the key to happiness " or "the big bucks." Our lives are precious and valuable, but should our lives be priced? Our lives do not have a noticeable price tag, but what if it did? The world would disregard the unfortunate and keep pushing them away until they are "so next season." "We the people, for the people" is an inappropriate paradox. Our big bowl of assets only matters to those who can afford a big, dammed bite while the others stare, feeling their pockets pang with emptiness. 
     Our world cares about world hunger, abuse, unclean water, and poor education, but what about just the POOR and the unprivileged? Those people who talk about caring for those who have less, in the end, end up talking about how lucky THEY THEMSELVES are for having what they have. There needs to be a stop in the fear of having personal financial problems. When someone sees another struggling, they end up focusing on what not to do to end up like the person who is drowning in problems. Then, they really do push the struggler right into the streets so they and their problems can be as far away as possible. Where do the pushers go, though? Right back to their down comforter beds with the sheets they got in a collection at IKEA. So, is money REALLY beneficial? Because as you can see, when you are made out of money, you become your own problem. Where is the self-control now? Let me know when you turn into a big IOU to tell me if money is really life. 


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