Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's What You Love, So Do It.

I think we have all been to the point where everything we end up doing becomes short-lived. We get these ideas, become excited for them, and either end up doing them, but stopping or not doing them at all. This has seriously been the motto of my life since I was able to understand I had choices and opinions. To be honest, it is draining and controlling. You can't make yourself do anything because you are either frightened to try it or you are too lazy to get up. Our minds become set into this "quitting" routine, making it seem impossible to stop. This could be some sort of addiction. Now that I mention it, it's VERY terrifying. Too bad there isn't rehab for the people who can't get themselves to read books or paint. Maybe we should write to the president and ask for "Do Something Anonymous"  establishments for the people who quit everything. This is so ironic. I love it.

Looking back, if I did not quit the things I did, then I could be a gold medalist gymnast, a famous soccer player, or a better singer. Who am I now? Just a girl who writes blogs about random topics, writes a little more, paints a little, and eats a lot of chocolate. There are so many things that we can do in our lives because the list goes on and on. It is super great to know that there will ALWAYS be something you can try. I love my hobbies, but doing a little of it at a time is starting to get boring. I know that there is one SPECIAL thing that I need to be doing that will be satisfying in the end. As I put this with one of my friends last night: My hobbies are like cheese and crackers. I enjoy eating the different types of crackers and slices of cheese, but, after awhile, the bite-sized snacks become bland. What I am really waiting for is a nice, JUICY steak with a side of salad and a glass of red wine (disclaimer: this is a daydream. I'm underage.) The steak holds a mystery with its flavors and textures, it is challenging to get through, but it in the end it was all worth the wait. When I find that one hobby that combines everything that I love, then I can sit back and relax with a smile on my face that is hidden behind the rim of my wine glass. -Siggggggggggh-.

As you can tell, I'm a little impatient and sad because all I want is something that can make me extremely happy and incredibly satisfied (Yes, I did watch "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" today). I'm not sure what I truly love. Since I'm not too sure, it makes it harder for me to try things because I have simply lost interest. The simple solution would be not to overthink it all and to just do those things, but, for some reason, it's too complicated to achieve. Usually, I am here to give people advice, but this time I feel like I need someone else's advice. How do you guys come to do the things you love? What is your motivation? Determination?

There are way too many parts about life that make no sense. I guess writing does help make sense of it all in some way. If something does help you, then my advice would be to not stop doing it. No matter what. That is the underlying fact in this post. You liked doing the hobbies you did before even if you weren't good at it? Well, lets think about this one for a moment -- NEVER STOP. You will lose interest eventually, but that doesn't mean you've stopped liking it for good. Also, I believe that we sometimes forget these simple rules in our lives and the only way to refresh our memory is to remind ourselves of them. Take these last words with you and think about what it is that you love so you never forget who you are.

In the beginning of this post, I started talking about feeling regretful, guilty, and jealous. Now, I have come to the fast conclusion that it is okay to stop and start new activities  but once you find your passion, never let it go. When you define yourself, it is hard to take that definition away for it just keeps growing. Hmmm. Writing does help you solve things. You should all really try it.

Happy Saturday Night!



  1. I think that as far as hobbies go it's hard to really get all the time to try out as many things as you would like to. I just try and make the things I'm doing interesting by giving them my full attention and creativity. Then everything I do becomes a creative outlet, and I don't have to go and search for one.

  2. Thank you for that advice! I must have some sort of attention problem because I'm always skipping from one thing to the next. I'm not worried though. I guess it is just hard for me to do whatever! Maybe I shouldn't be so picky though, huh? Whenever I run into something that needs my attention and creativity, then I will definitely remember what you said and not give up on it.
