Sunday, December 16, 2012

Quirk Number Seven

#7: After almost pushing your window screen out the window and down to the ground and figuring out that your Internet cable is behind the fridge, you find yourself reading an E-mail that says you have an assignment due for a class on Monday. 
Well, isn't college glorious!

Yes. This all happened to me during my first week of college before classes even started. Seems stressful, right? You are absolutely correct! However, this is adult livin' right here, but at least I haven't broken the windows yet. The dorms that I do live in are pretty outdated because my hall was built in the 70's. It actually isn't too bad since they have repainted a few times (I have seen the color underneath the pleasant blue and the walls used to be AQUA.) So, that makes me a little happier. The janitors keep the whole hall nice and neat, but that doesn't stop everyone from smoking up a storm in their rooms, turning our hall into a cheap(er) motel. You tolerate it after awhile.

After reading my quirk, you are probably wondering how in the world that all happened and I will tell you how in the world it did. Well, it was a very hot day (since our hall lacks A.C.) and I decided to open our windows all the way. As I got up to stretch from my desk chair, I noticed that there was a bee in our room! I scrambled to kill it, smashing it on my roommates window screen, and I popped the screen out. It was flopping in the wind from the 4th floor. I almost passed out right there onto our tile floor, but I noticed that the screen wasn't really...moving or falling down to the grass below. I regained all sense of reality and saw that the screen was screwed into the base of the window frame, but the screen was broken. So, what does a college student do when something seems to be broken? Fix it with duct tape!!! It is still there to this day and we have not had anymore insects in our room (thank the Lord!)

Now, the whole refrigerator situation was a humorous one. I could not figure out how to get Internet for the LONGEST time. I plugged my Ethernet cord into the port that I thought was the port, but it wasn't. I wanted to just curl up in a ball and die, but then, I compared the area that my roommates cord port was located in and matched it to my side, figuring out that mine was behind our STUPID MINI FRIDGE. After hugging it and pulling it out, I got my Internet -- only to find that I had an assignment due for one of my classes a couple days later. College LOVES SURPRISES, so HOLD ON. You are in for one HECK of a roller coaster ride. 

On the bright side, I have gotten really good grades and my first semester is over. With that, I would just like to let everyone know that college gets really close to slitting your throat, but it makes you turn into steal. You may feel like everything is crashing onto you, but you are under all of the ruble holding it up with your pinkie finger. What doesn't kill you does make you stronger (sorry for that cheesy Kelly Clarkson reference.) College gives you a nice force feeding of adult life during the first few days and you just have to deal with it. Being an adult doesn't come with free coupons to the spa, but once you get past all of the challenges, you can go ahead and use a coup because you will need it. I really need to treat myself for once as well.

My last word of advice would be to buckle up and enjoy the ride. Make sure you have a big box of tissues, though, sometimes you may spring a leak. Oh, and make sure you become friends with amazing people because you will need someone to talk to during times of "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE." You will appreciate it later.  I guarantee it. 


\/\/oah! Eight /\/\ore days until Christ/\/\as!

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