Friday, December 14, 2012

Quirk Number Six!

#6: Getting free food and feasting your eyes on a lot of cute college guys. They aren't Ryan Lochte, but they will do.

It's time to get back on the quirky track! WOO WOO! All aboard! We are about to travel into the land of...well, the land of attractive guys that you have not seen in years which makes you nervous. Don't worry, I have some tips for all of you gals and guys out there. Just a word of warning, however, I am not much of a pick-up artist, but I do know some ways to land a hot guy friend. The free food though? You don't even have to bat a lash. 

First, let me make this suspenseful and talk about food first. No, not on the hot men (I know. You were thinking it.) Yes, free food! During the first week of college, you are bombarded with coupons and free pizza. Don't have any cash to run to Taco Bell? No worries! Just go to a club and get some free nourishment (and make some new friends while you stuff your face with greasy cheese!) You will not be hungry on your first week of school, but after that, I suggest you start making spears because you are going to become ravenous! Seriously, you will be a little hungry unless you do have snacks. No matter what, though, you can find something to eat. Unless your friends are fasting and the dining halls are short on food, then you are screwed. 

While eating pizza for a week, you will be plump and ready for a hot date! Yes! College guys love them pizza hips because they have them too! Once you go to college, you will be surrounded by more men then you ever thought possible. They are everywhere, swarming like bees, making their way to the new flowers. Of course some may not be carved by an artist, but they are pretty decent. But how do we talk to such attractive men, Tiffany?? Well, you have came to the right blog (and if you came here by accident, then I suggest you finish reading this.)

How to Talk to College Men:
1. Wear clothing.
2. Make sure you don't have pizza between your teeth and SMILE!
3. Wave, but not like a princess.
4. Say, "Hi!"
5. Don't stare at their lips for too long.
6. If you stare at their lips for too long, then look down and compliment their shoes.
7. If they are not wearing shoes, then stop staring at their toes.
8. Make a joke!
9. If he laughs, ask him if he wants to get pizza sometime.
10. If he says yes, then there you go.

I know, my tips are horrible, but I do not make them serious on purpose. College is a new experience and a bit overwhelming -- you are running around with strangers! I do know one thing and that is to NOT be a stranger! Be friendly! Acknowledge everyone's presence because you never know who will notice your's too. You may not always be friends with the people you greet, but look over their shoulder. There are thousands more to know. So, get out there, wipe the grease off of your chin, and smile! You never know who will be smiling back (and if they offer you food, then you just found yourself a pal.) 

Happy Friday!


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