Sunday, January 6, 2013

Quirk Number 8: All About Tea!

#8: There is always time for a little afternoon tea to set the day right after a busy morning.

Yes, tea. For those who do not know me, I am a tea junkie. Tea is my crack. I get high on tea and I would inject it into my veins every time I needed a fix. I'd have people worried about me as I crouch in the corner of a tea shop, my eyes red, my hands shaking from the caffeine. The shop owner would call the police and I'd get arrested for being tea-high in public. Behind bars I would clank my mug against the metal, begging the security guards to get me a tea bag and two sugars, but they would just laugh at me with pity. My cell would be an open casket and I'd slowly start eroding on the cement floor while scratching at the walls with my nails, counting down. With my last breath I would gasp, "TEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Then, I'd die.

The end.

Soooooooooo, I'm kind of addicted to tea. It is refreshing and it has antioxidants which are good for the skin as well. Most people enjoy coffee more, but coffee comes in the same color: BROWN. Brown looks like mud, poop, the spots on a giraffe, and tree bark. YUMMY.No offense, however. I do like coffee when my body yearns for it in the morning, but tea is just...better. End of story. There are so many different types of tea. There is green and herbal, but both of these come in different flavors. For example, Passion, chamomile, mint, lemon, cinnamon, Earl Grey, black, raspberry, citrus, peach, basil, pear, strawberry, white, orange, and the list keeps on going (Let's not forget Arizona and Snapple either!!). If you are someone who adores variety and freshness, then, please, drink the tea.

Tea is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper relaxing. I love sitting in a dim room with ether the T.V. on or off and a blanket on me while I drink a cup (or six...) of tea. At college, I drink it as much as I can because college makes me want to kill people, but tea is like a happy medication. I'm seriously kidding. I don't kill people. After a long day in class, I come home, rip open a packet of tea, and sit down to sip, sip, sip, sippp. You don't have to be a hippie, a hipster, or a rich, English person to drink it. Just warm up some water and steep. It's AMAZING. I don't know if I can stress this more, but...JUST DRINK THE TEA. Acquire your taste buds because they are in for a treat. When your taste buds are happy, you will be too. 100% GUARANTEED.

Now that you are being pressured to drink tea, what are you supposed to do????? First, go to the store. Then, pick out a box of tea (you could do this with your eyes closed. They are all yummy.) Last but not least, buy the tea and go home to drink it. Super easy and affordable. Priceless (PSH. I wish it was free...)

Yep. I totally just talked about tea. Am I the only person who would get into such a topic? Probably not, but I am one of those unique people. I hope you all can grab tea instead of coffee one day. PLUS, TEA IS A LOT CHEAPER TO BUY THAN COFFEE. A grande latte at Starbucks is about $3.50 whereas tea is about $1.50-$2.00. DRINK ON THAT!

Happy steeping!


***Photo Cred. goes to and***

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