Friday, January 11, 2013

The Saddest Days and Moldy Bagels

I was on break for a month and now I am back in my dorm. It's been a lonely couple of days because my roommate won't be back until the end of the week and my friends are not here yet either. These days just keep getting more depressing as they go by! I can prove this statement to be true (since I have faced some sad situations). My school is a black hole into the saddest dimension. Once you enter Dekalb, the whole world turns grey and you can't differentiate yourself from the people around you.I must admit, however, that it seriously looks like England or Ireland by the lagoon after it rains. Now that is something to be happy about, and I am very content with the fact that I can run around that whenever I feel like it. Want to go to England? Okay, then get off your butt.

Back to the sad story -- it has been sad. The first day back wasn't too bad, but today was a smack in the face by sadness. For your visual entertainment, I will list the events as they occurred in play form.


Act 1 Scene 1
1. After bringing up a car-full amount of my belongings up 8 flights of stairs, I had to say good-bye to my mom and my baby sister.
2. I went to the financial aid office in the cold to find out that they couldn't direct me personally to the right private loan for me. 
3. While making dinner, I spilled green bean juice on my hand. 
4. I was hot last night and it's the middle of January...
End of Act 1 Scene 1

Act 1 Scene 2
1. I missed Ryan Gosling on the Today Show this morning.
2. After planning to eat a whole-wheat bagel with plain cream cheese for breakfast, I found out that it had white and green mold on it. I bought these bagels yesterday...
3. The plastic shower curtain seemed shorter width wise today and it kept sticking to my wet skin (there was a breeze or something coming from somewhere and I thought it was someone pushing into it. It scared the beejebus out of me.)
4. I thought I had more money on a gift card when I didn't, so I couldn't buy these two items I really liked.
5. I spilled my almonds on the bus, but thankfully they didn't go on the floor.
6. I've been very bored.
End of Act 1 Scene 2


I know most of the sadness is created by me, but it is still sad. I've made it up with listening to great music and doing my own Tiffany Thang. It gets better. At least I got $1.45 or so back for the bagels and I got a free package! Yay for moldy bagels!!


**Pictures from and**

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