Monday, March 18, 2013

New Theme!

Okay, so, remember what I said on my last post?

"Maybe I will even start a new "Quirky Collegeboundlady" theme to kick off this achievement! If anyone has any ideas, then let me know. If not, then be prepared for something...interesting."

I didn't think about a theme too much while I slept last night, but during this lovely morning, I think I may have come up with something. It may seem very child-like, but I can assure you that I can put a twist on it. My first major theme was the quirks, but those kind of died out like the Jonas Brothers did. SO, here's to a whole new plan! I hope it strikes all of your fancies.

My new "Quirks of a Collegeboundlady" theme is...


You have heard correctly! A-Z! What does this mean, you ask? Well, every day (that's my goal) I am going to pick something relevant that starts with all of the letters of the alphabet. Possibly starting today or tomorrow, I will post the letter A and talk all about it. For 26 glorious days I will fill your lives with silly stories and hoopla because who doesn't like hoopla? These letters may or may not have anything to do with college, but probably 50-ish% of them will relate since I spend 95% of my life here on campus. I'll try to make them all as exciting as possible since my life isn't T.V. material. If "MTV" or "The Today Show" talked about me, then I think I'd loose viewers quicker than the "Disney Channel" when all of the viewers turn 16.

Anyway, who's ready for some hoopla!? I now declare that A-Z will be the new theme for 26 days! Hoorah! Hoorah! Join me every other day for a new post in alphabetical order! Classy.

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