Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I'm drowning again
From neck to head,
Surrounded by papers
Covered in lead.
No air to breathe
Or surface to see.
Where can we go
At the bottom
Of the sea?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quirk Number Five

#5: I'm not even sure if this relates to college, but when you start getting emotional when people win brand new Jeeps on The Price is Right. 
Hey, this whole progress is a struggle. Don't hate.

Yes, if you are wondering, this actually happened to me one afternoon. I could say it is embarrassing, but it was not -- well, no one was in the room at the time, so they couldn't see me almost bawling my eyes out on the couch. I have always watched The Price is Right and I have NEVER felt like crying. I really can't tell you what my problem was that day, but I felt like I swallowed a rock. The person won a game and they immediately won a brand new car. How generous was that?? It was so easy and I bet they did not even expect to have a brand new Jeep to ride in the forest everyday on that day. You really have to learn to expect the unexpected.

If you go ahead and think you know what is going to happen, then you might as well pay your dog to tell you your future. It's pointless. Once you expect something to happen, then you set your expectations way to high and when it doesn't go as planned, then what do you feel like? Crap. You feel like your existence doesn't matter anymore and that you shouldn't even try. HELLLLLOOOOOOOO. UHM, NO. Just don't expect so much! Everything doesn't work the way you want it to. I learned this the hard way many times. Then, one day, I realized I need to go with the flow and accept what comes. 

For example, today I expected to print out some papers for some of my classes. I went to the computer where the documents show up and nothing was there. I was annoyed and I even shut the computer off thinking that would help. It only scared me because I thought I messed it up. About fifteen minutes later, I decided that this wasn't even going to work out the way I planned. I huffed and stomped out of the computer lab, opening the door with as much force as I could in an attempt to slam it against the wall. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful because I didn't hear it crash into the cinder blocks. This may have pissed me off more, but of course, it didn't last long. I accepted the fact that I wouldn't be able to print out my stupid papers until later. Not that it was a big deal, but those printers are the worst printers I have ever seen. I wanted to kill them. 

So, what does demolishing a printer have to do with The Price is Right? Nothing. I got off topic.What I am trying to say here is that college is pretty much a tear-jerker. A lot of things can pull your heart strings. When times get tough, take a break and start again. Sometimes, those rewards, no matter how small, can make a huge difference. Here, just pretend that if you finish your homework, then you will win a Camero. Dream big,  dollfaces. You have a lot to hold onto.

Happy Soon-to-be Case of the Monday's!


Saturday, September 15, 2012



We bloggers are being discriminated (just look at the comments on the spam Youtube video that your blogs are supposedly being advertised on). It is time to start a REVOLUTION. We all have a unique voice and no one should stop us from letting it be heard because of technology and personal views and opinions!

We all know blogs are out of style, but if you look closer, you will find that blogs are alive and well! Pintrest is linked with thousands of blogs that you can follow. There are reviewers, forums, How-To's, and traveling blogs. They even made a movie based on a blog: Julie and Julia. Everywhere you turn, you will find a blog somewhere. A blog doesn't have to have the word "Blog" in its' URL.

A blog is like a book. If you loathe reading, then don't read the blog! It will save us bloggers from feeling like we suck at writing. If you find a blog to be interesting, then keep reading it. Blogs are here to inform people, to entertain, and it helps the bloggers find a time to make their day better. Who doesn't like writing about the crappy day they had? Some people think it's funny. Blogs benefit the writer and the reader.


I'm not going to stop writing because other people think "blogs are dumb." Some people get noticed for their blogs and once they get to a certain point in their blogging career, they are able to sponsor or advertise for money. That's right. Who can get money for writing? Not you because you obviously believe blogs are a waste of time.

Keep blogs alive. 

-Tiffany G. Carwile

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quirk Number Four

#4: Obsessing over your dorm closet door...or in this case, the lack there of.

How does your closet look at home? Closed? Open? Bulging with items galore? Or do you have slim pickings? Well, either way, you probably hate looking at all of the clutter that has accumulated inside of the space. A closet door is nice to have because it makes you seem like you are a tidy person when the door is closed. When it isn't closed, then you either don't care about what it looks like or you were too lazy to shut it. What happens when you don't have YOUR closet anymore? No, not your parent's closet or your friend's closet that you use like it was your own. I am talking about YOUR personal closet that you basically carved your name into on the door frame. If you don't have your closet anymore, then what do you have?

Before I moved into my residence hall, I heard the closets had no doors. This pissed me off. I was 
legit furious to the point where smoke could come out of my ears and nose. I made this quirk on Facebook to show how stupid the whole ordeal was. What was I going to do with all of my clothes that I am bringing? I don't want it just sitting out in the open for everyone to see. What was I going to do without an effing door?

Well, I could say I exaggerated my feelings there a little because the whole closet situation actually turned out to be a minor problem. All of my clothes fit in my closet. It doesn't even look bad with all of my belongings sticking out like a sore thumb. Actually, the colors I have in my side of the closet make the room look more home-y than before. You really need all the help you can get here. These off-white cement walls are sore on the eyes after a while. 

So, you want to know about the door? I will tell you. There is a door -- a sliding door actually. I really like it except for the fact that I think it's broken and that I have too much stuff protruding out that the sliding door won't cover it all. It's like a bamboo shade. Sort of. The only problem with that fact is that it probably isn't even made out of real wood: it's probably wood substitute. It's the artificial flavor of wood. Yeah, college can be pretty cheap (I mean, those teachers gotta get bank somehow). 

Here are a couple words of advice to make your temporary closet seem like "home:"
  • Put your hamper in your closet so more crap doesn't muster.
  • Put a bin in your closet to store any other crap or snacks you have.
  • Make every inch of space count. Use the shelves, bring shelves, bring an over-the-door organizer. NOTE: If you are short and the shelves are high, then you will need to either buy a step stool or go work out so you can jump high enough to reach it.
  • If the closet has a door, then make sure you don't have stuff blocking it so you can close the door if you don't want to stare at everything.
  • If you can't close your door, then just suck it up and learn to love your crap. It's yours -- your unique crap. Make yourself proud!
Don't make it such a big deal. You will find space and you will be able to shut a door. If not, then make a door. Be creative. You will be living on campus for a while, so make the most out of your time. A closet is a closet, but make it YOURS. Yeah, I'm a 'lil cheesy 

Have a good night!

-Tiffany G.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

She's Alive!

Have you ever been so tired that you were just so...tired? Me too.

Seriously everyone, I have been up to my neck in notebooks and text over the past few weeks, so I know I have no room to make excuses for my lack of writing. (I do have to say though, writing right now feels pretty great). When you are in college, you have no life unless you go out every night or you keep your dorm door open 24/7. I would definitely keep my door open all the time, but this girl likes a little peace and quiet. Well, as much peace and quiet as I can get. I'm really glad I am not in the hall my cousin is in because she has encountered a few escapades from behind cement walls. That's right. Sex doesn't go unnoticed in this neck of the woods.

I guess I will just give you all the "up-to-date-status" on what is going on here besides homework (obviously). College is treating me well. A little too well. My mom AND dad both dropped off groceries for me the past week and now I am cramming my face with pudding and granola bars. It is all right with me, though, because that whole "Freshman 15" thing will never apply to me! I feel my legs burning after walking to every class. This whole walking situation is doing me (and my badonk) a favor. If you engorge yourself with pizza, burgers, and other greasy and fat-filled American specialties, then I suggest that you hit the gym about 5 times a week or that fifteen will become a fifty. No doubt. Hit up the salad bar! Have some yummy chicken! Have a dessert! Just don't over do it, all right, kiddies?

I have found some other ways to enjoy myself around here. Get your mind out of the gutter. I am talking about some new hobbies! You are probably thinking, "Tiffany has new hobbies?? What?? I thought she just wrote and read books all the time because she is dorkwad." Forget you guys. Just kidding. No, I have acquired a couple new interests. The first one is VERY recent. Recent as in about seven hours ago recent. I went to the craft store and bought myself a pair of shiny, yellow...KNITTING NEEDLES. As well as yarn to knit with (it is such a beautiful shade of maroon. You would love it). I tried a stitch today. Unfortunately, the WikiHow steps were not much of a help. All I ended up with was a tangled mess. I am pretty sure I had WAY too many strings going on. On the bright side, I turned my yarn roll into two big yarn balls. I am not an old woman. Stop thinking that. I don't think the elderly could handle balls as big as these. You got owned.

The second new thing I am going to try very soon is SKATEBOARDING! That's right! I knit AND I skateboard! Actually, I haven't really skated much before, so this will take a bit of practice and a few bruises, but I am sure afterward, I will be the coolest chick around. I have seen a ton of students with skateboards and it looks so darn fun. It would be better to use than to walk to class. Those skateboards are like lightening! At least if I struggle, I can always ask someone to help me. From a group of 10 people,about 9 out of 10 ride around here. I have connections.

So, I will leave it at that. I just wanted to let all of you know that I didn't forget about you guys. I will try and get back to this schedule again once I find the right time to write. Sound good to all of you? Great. Now, I must go. I have ramen waiting for me in the microwave.


-Tiffany GC.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Equal: Not Your Average Sweetener

So, today my subject of choice will not necessarily lean towards anything specifically about college. I found this topic to be extremely interesting and interesting enough to share on my blog (since this is a place to write, am I not correct?). Now, I am not pointing fingers at anyone in this blog post. Do not be offended because I am not putting anyone on a pedestal. Hear me out. You may find this post to be an eye-opener.

A couple hours ago I was reading my homework assignment for my Women's studies class. This chapter was about gender. Let me guess, you saw the word gender and instantly came up with an organized list of what gender is all about -- male and female, or as this book calls it, "masculine" and "feminine." I am not a Feminist or anything of the sort, but many points in this textbook, Women's Voices Feminist Visions, strike my fancy. Everything this book has to offer makes the wheels in my brain start to turn. I love it. Being a woman myself, I believe that we should get treated equally etc., etc. And then there is that word -- equal. It rings a bell in the highest of places. Equal. Equal as to be similar or even act as one. This chapter about gender talks about how our world defines masculinity and femininity. Men are supposed to be tough like warriors, ambitious, strong and full of will-power. Women, on the other hand, are described as being delicate, vulnerable, caring, cautious, sexy, and anything else that sounds girly enough to be categorized within the "feminine" column. Separating different objects or ideas to fit in these certain categories are also something to be highlighted among what it means to be a girl or boy. When you think about it, it is like the world has each and every one of us attached to strings. The fingers (or society/culture) jerks us around until we fit naturally into the plot. No wonder why people rebel so much against views. I wouldn't like being thrown around either.

Obviously, there are ways to get around the customs. For example, you could start social movements, form groups and organizations to showcase the equality we all have. These people just do it in a different way. I like that idea because I can relate. I am a person who goes with the crowd, but in a very different direction. I write in a different voice than I speak, I am going to learn to skateboard even though I don't look like the type of person who would do that at all, and I do some unladylike things, but who really DOES act like a lady nowadays? If you got gas, then you gotta' let it pass, bro.

There are a few things that set our equality apart, however, like sports. That bugs me. Oh, a man is supposed to be better at sports because men have authority and blah blah blah. Here is something I would like you all to think about as you read this: there is NOTHING that literally sets us apart from each other. If you want to get all scientific, then it would be true to say that male bodies are genetically made to be stronger because they are the ones who are supposed to protect the family. Women are made to bear children. BUT, as you can see, both male and female are interrelated. We humans were made to take care of each other; to live through everyday to make a living. We all have a brain, a heart, blood, skin, and bones. Is there really anything that can separate us? If someone were to cut each one of us in half and stitch us up together with another half of someone else's body, there wouldn't be much of  a difference. The only thing that is really different is our genital areas. We couldn't help that fact now though, could we?

  So what if our culture suggests that men are better? So what if problems arise from such things as masculinity and femininity? SO. FRICKEN'. WHAT. Be whoever you want to be, but here is what I have wanted to say all along: JUST BE HUMAN. All humans aspire to do one thing and that is to live. Why complicate that?  Haven't we all been equal to begin with?

You can think whatever your little heart desires, but maybe make room for this thought. Think about the world and think about each other. Are we different or are we all human?


Tiffany G. Carwile

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Don't 'Ya Like Me?

Hey guys.

I just wanted to throw something out into the open. No. Not a steak or a piece of candy. I am throwing out the sad, sad fact that no one ever comments on my posts. I feel like Julia in the movie Julie and Julia. When she first starts her blog, the only comment she gets is from her own mother. What is even more depressing is that MY own mother has not even commented on any of these yet. I get so excited and then I see the number zero in the comments bar. I know you are reading these! I can see my stats!

I really don't care if you never leave a comment. I can live without it. As long as people are reading my posts, then I am  as dandy as a daffodil.

Speaking of daffodils -- here is a wonderful picture of a daffodil. I didn't take it.

Isn't it lovely? So are you, my dear readers. 

Well, I really have nothing more to say here that is witty. I will let you all be free to enjoy your web-surfing.


P.S. If you ever want advice on ANY subject, then let me know! Or if you want me to make a random blog post about something, then let me know too! I am willing to accept recommendations! 

Quirk Number Three

#3: Feeling unproductive with <10 open boxes and half a roll of packing tape.
Finish day before move-in? Probably.  

Picture this: You are surrounded by brown boxes. Boxes are on your bed, next to your bed on the floor, blocking your closet and bedroom door. All of your belongings are in piles because you think you have yourself organized. Then, you look in a couple of boxes and you notice something -- you only have a couple boxes filled out of the twenty you have accumulated over the past week. In an act of desperation, you throw yourself onto your bed and nap. Those cardboard fumes can be intoxicating after a while.

Ask yourself something for me. Would you rather lay on your bed and not pack anything at all? Or would you rather find a better way to stay completely motivated? Think about it. The answer is simple -- start doing something that will help you pack faster and more efficiently. You know you want to get it over with. And let me tell you, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. For some, this method works just fine. But if you are the kind of person that gets irritated by unfinished work, then this tip will benefit you the most. The less stress you have, the more motivated you will be to get ready for college!

In my first quirk, I gave some tips on how to pack. This quirk is very similar (I am sorry for that. I didn't really think it through), but I will give you some ideas on how to stay motivated!

*Listen to music that will help you stay energetic and positive!
*Drink some water. Your brain is made up of mostly fluids and when your brain is refueled, you will be too.
*Pack the small things first. Doing this will make it seem like you have less to pack because everyone has a ton of small things!
(If you don't, then good for you).
*Look at your list. Are you packing too much or too little? Figuring out what you have done so far will help you build a stepping stone.
*If you feel you have too many items, then leave some at home if you don't really need it. You can always get it later whenever you return home for the holidays.
*Just tell yourself that you are doing a good job. Once you start, you will be able to finish.

Don't worry. Packing is only the beginning (and I am not saying this to scare you). Being in college means that you are now an adult. You are responsible for the actions you produce and the results that come after. If you decide that packing isn't a big deal and do it the day before, then what are the consequences? You may forget something important, stay up too late the night before move-in day, or you may not even finish packing. To cause less stress, I suggest that you reread over my tips and figure out what works for you. I am not here to tell you to pack now and not later. I am just giving you true facts that you should consider. Once you start taping shut box after box, you will feel a lot better because you have overcome your procrastination. Remember, you can't procrastinate in college. You will have hefty loads of assignments to complete over a course of a couple days. If you leave it for the last minute, then it will cause long-term affects such as you being misinformed, uninformed, and stressed. Tiffany doesn't want anyone to be stressed! Just finish!

Have a good Memorial Day!

-Tiffany G. Carwile

Here is a sneak-peek into the next quirk:
Obsessing over the space given to you in your dorm? No worries! Tiffany has a solution!